
Experience Faster Growth with AI & Self Development Coaching

Experience Faster Growth with AI & Self Development Coaching

Experience Faster Growth with AI & Self Development Coaching

Join a program that makes light, easy, and sustainable growth the new standard for your business and life.

Join a program that makes light, easy, and sustainable growth the new standard for your business and life.

So if you've been thinking to yourself lately...
Unlimited Coach
Unlimited Coach

"I don't want to wait another year to learn ChatGPT because then I'll be a year behind."

Unlimited Coach
Unlimited Coach

"I know AI can help me, but I don't know where to start or how to apply it effectively."

Unlimited Coach
Unlimited Coach

"I know what got me here won't get me where I want to go."

Unlimited Coach
Unlimited Coach

"I have so much potential inside of me and just need the right guidance."

Unlimited Coach
Unlimited Coach

"I want to build a brand that is authentic to my values and who I am."

Unlimited Coach
Unlimited Coach

"I want to scale my business and do so in a way that doesn't burn me out."

...then you are in the right place.

Imagine if You Could Unlock:

The confidence of knowing how to use AI and ChatGPT to get more done, in less time, and with ease...

…instead of feeling lost, overwhelmed, or stuck trying to figure out how to use AI effectively in your business.

A mindset and way of being that allows you to grow your business and life together in alignment with who you are...

…instead of constantly doubting yourself, feeling burned out, or wondering if you’re doing enough.

The ease of knowing you have a repeatable client-winning content system that consistently generates conversations...

...instead of feeling lost in a sea of endless content that doesn't feel genuine or aligned with your true voice.

Trust us, this picture of business & personal growth is entirely attainable.

Trust us, this picture of business & personal growth is entirely attainable.

We know because we’ve been where you are.

We used to trade our time for money, pride ourselves on hustle culture, and only fill one or two buckets of our lives - leaving the rest feeling empty...

But after we created our recipe for light, easy, and fun growth, we stopped feeling unfulfilled and started feeling empowered and in control.

If you want to grow a Sustainable Business that truly supports the life you want, you need three foundational things...

The Unlimited Coach Trifecta

Our 3 Keys To Long-Term, Sustainable Business Growth

Further faster with ChatGPT
Further faster with ChatGPT
Further faster with ChatGPT

Key #1:

Use AI to Grow Faster and Work Smarter

With AI and ChatGPT, you’ll complete projects in hours, not weeks, giving you the freedom to focus on what truly matters—growing your business without sacrificing your personal life.

world class standards
world class standards
world class standards

Key #2:

World Class Standards For Greater Capacity

Your Personal and professional growth are force multipliers. The better you get in all areas of life, the more your capacity and potential expand, allowing you to achieve at higher levels in business and life.

shine brighter
shine brighter
shine brighter

Key #3:

Shine Brighter To Attract More

Leading with your heart will attract more of what you truly want in your business and life. When you share authentically, the right opportunities, clients, and success will follow.

These three foundations are often overlooked because it’s easier to stick with what's comfortable, but real growth happens when you recognize the right tools, mindset, and success are already within your reach.

Inside Unlimited Coach, You'll Learn How To Implement All Three (and so much more!)

What's good, we're Rob Cressy & Colin Scotland

What's good, we're Rob Cressy & Colin Scotland

What's good, we're Rob Cressy & Colin Scotland

We're passionate about creating every day and helping others do the same. With decades of experience growing online marketing agencies and coaching businesses (we have the scars to prove it), we've seen firsthand how real transformation happens.

Four years ago we started coaching and creating together, evolving into partners with a shared mission: to help entrepreneurs grow their businesses and embrace the future with the right tools and mindset.

We created Unlimited Coach to spark meaningful conversations around building a sustainable business, becoming a better person, and staying ahead in an ever-changing world.

Rob Cressy and Colin Scotland, Unlimited Coach Founders
Rob Cressy and Colin Scotland, Unlimited Coach Founders
Emily Chapman
Emily Chapman

Emily Chapman


Thank you again many times over for all of the hard work and love you and Rob have poured into this program. You have already changed my life in such a powerful way and I know this is just the tip of the iceberg. Looking forward to the rest of the iceberg.

Ken Kelly
Ken Kelly

Ken Kelly


This has been phenomenal! I expect to get some thoughts around a challenge that I bring in that I can then go away and refine, but to come in with a challenge and have it completely removed and uplift my business is just phenomenal! This stuff doesn't happen, and here it is happening again and again and again.

Ken Kelly
Ken Kelly

Rosario Londono


Who Colin & Rob are, their values, their high ethical standards for using AI, and how they share and co-create with other people in the space have been life changing.

Tap into your Unfair Advantage…

Tap into your Unfair Advantage…

Building a business is hard. You’ve got big dreams and goals, but sometimes it can feel overwhelming and isolating.

Few people truly understand the entrepreneurial journey. Even though you're already great at what you do, you know there’s so much more potential inside of you waiting to be unlocked.

Even with the best intentions, balancing too much and not enough can be a constant struggle. This doesn’t just apply to your business—it affects your personal life, too. The journey can feel like a rollercoaster, and you want to show up as your best in the areas that matter most.

Without the right support, this is tough—we know that firsthand.

That’s why we asked ourselves: Where do we have an unfair advantage?

The answer: AI & Self-Development.

Artificial Intelligence & ChatGPT help us go further, faster, and deeper, allowing us to focus on what we love most. These tools don’t just save time—they empower us to grow smarter and scale with ease.

Self-development is the greatest investment you can make, helping you navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship while building the habits, routines, and mindsets necessary for long-term success.

Since we’re living this journey every day, we decided to create a space to share how to do things better and smarter—in a way that aligns with who we are and who you are.

Unlike guru-led programs where someone speaks at you, we believe in growing with you. We’re all in this together—learning, collaborating, and evolving. This isn’t a one-way monologue. It’s active co-creation.

If this sounds like what you want, we’re ready to help you get there.

You are a creator.

WE are creators. And together, we can make business growth light, easy, and fun!

Unlimited Coach

The Path to Growing Your Business with Clarity and Alignment




The knowledge and skills to grow your business and life together, creating a balance where both thrive.




A supportive space that understands your challenges and celebrates your successes as we grow together.




Proven steps for supporting your mental well-being and business growth without added complexity.




The freedom to focus on what truly matters, with the support and tools to create a business and life you love.




A comprehensive roadmap for scaling your business efficiently and without sacrificing your well-being.




Create an irresistible offer, attract your ideal clients, and build a powerful brand that drives sustainable revenue growth.

Rob Cressy and Colin Scotland

2 Live Calls Every Week!

Join us live on Monday at 11 am EST and Thursday at 9 am EST for 45-minutes of quickfire, high-impact momentum.

AI & Innovation

Content & Marketing

Self-Development & Mindset

Imagination Factory

2 Live Calls Every Week!

Join us live on Monday at 11 am EST and Thursday at 9 am EST for 45-minutes of quickfire, high-impact momentum.

AI & Innovation

Content & Marketing

Growth & Mindset

Imagination Factory

Rob Cressy and Colin Scotland

2 Live Calls Every Week!

Join us live on Monday at 11 am EST and Thursday at 9 am EST for 45-minutes of quickfire, high-impact momentum.

AI & Innovation

Content & Marketing

Self-Development & Mindset

Imagination Factory

Here's What You Get With Unlimited Coach...

Here's What You Get With Unlimited Coach...

Weekly Live Coaching Calls, World-Class Resources, and a Supportive Community—All Designed to Help You Grow Faster.

Weekly Live Coaching Calls, World-Class Resources, and a Supportive Community—All Designed to Help You Grow Faster.

2 Live Calls Per Week for Ongoing Motivation and Growth
Join us twice a week for live, 45-minute sessions designed to transform your business and mindset. Get your personalized questions answered and leave each call energized and ready to take action.

Good Vibes Community for Support and Inspiration
Connect with business owners from around the world in an intentional space designed to have more of the right conversations. Share wins, learn lessons, and engage in intentional conversations that help you grow personally and professionally.

Choose Your Adventure Resource Center to Kickstart Your Next Move
Take the guesswork out of your next steps with tools and resources tailored to your business journey. Get clarity and take action in the areas that matter most to your growth.

AI Mastery Prompt Vault

AI Mastery Prompt Vault

AI Mastery Prompt Vault

Your ChatGPT launchpad to getting more done, faster and with ease!
This is where your game changes. Your idea factory. Your ticket to the moon.
Inside, you’ll discover a library of ChatGPT prompts, aligned with key areas of your business to help you grow. Each prompt is designed to be easily customized, allowing you to execute faster and more efficiently. Ready to hit turbo on your growth?
ChatGPT Mastery Prompt Vault
ChatGPT Mastery Prompt Vault

The Result?

The Result?

The Result?

You gain the clarity, inspiration, and confidence to grow a profitable business and fulfilling life together.
You gain the clarity, inspiration, and confidence to grow a profitable business and fulfilling life together.
Imagine running your business and...
Imagine running your business and...

Having clarity around your business and feeling excited as things finally take shape...

...without feeling like it’s a grind or that progress is always out of reach.

Being excited about how you create and share, knowing it resonates with your ideal client and is aligned with who you are...

...without overthinking, feeling obligated, or being inauthentic.

Confidently using ChatGPT on a daily basis to grow your business faster and easier...

...without needing technical experience or feeling overwhelmed by AI options.

Following a personal and professional growth path that helps you take action faster...

...without signing up for multiple courses or programs.

Creating a relationship with time that feels abundant and allows you to do more of what you love...

...without feeling stressed or like you have 1,000 things to do with no time to get them done.

Leveraging AI to unlock new ideas and create better systems, giving you more time to focus on what really matters...

...without feeling like you need to learn everything yourself or keep up with endless tech trends.

Having a support network of friends to celebrate your victories and turn to with struggles...

...without feeling alone, on a different journey, or like you have to figure everything out yourself.

Being at peace with the balance between your business and personal life...

...without constantly wondering if you’re doing too much or not enough.

Tried other programs before?

Tried other programs before?

Here's how Unlimited Coach is your Entrepreneurial Lifeline...

Here's how Unlimited Coach is your Entrepreneurial Lifeline...

1. You’ll enjoy participating because it’s fun

We believe growing a business can be light, easy, and fun. When you approach it this way, your creativity flows effortlessly, and you’ll be excited to create, learn, and grow.

2. Get more than your money's worth - quickly

Our live calls and resources are designed to create immediate wins—helping you generate new ideas, take action faster, and see real business growth right away.

3. No overwhelm - just a clear path forward

We provide easily digestible resources that makes taking action easy. You’ll feel excited about the possibilities ahead, with a clear direction to guide your growth.

4. You’ll feel empowered in a space that celebrates your journey

We help you own your growth story and build confidence through real actions that celebrate your progress along the way.

5. You’ll grow in all areas—business, mindset, and life

By combining AI and self-development, we give you a holistic growth path that touches every key area, helping you win today and in the future.

If you dream of building a business that gives you freedom, growth, and fulfillment... Unlimited Coach will get you there.
If you dream of building a business that gives you freedom, growth, and fulfillment... Unlimited Coach will get you there.

Connie Kadansky


I already feel like I got more than my money's worth and I'm only two sessions in! This is amazing!

Lindsey Capp
Lindsey Capp

Lindsey Capp


I look for people who have mastery in their field. I have learnt from the best and this has given me such gifts that have created a great life for me and my children. I joined Rob Cressy and Colin Scotland in their unlimited group and in two weeks the quality of learning and the quality of people in this group has blown my mind This group is a game changer for people wanting to grow their business to extreme heights

Jason Prosnitz
Jason Prosnitz

Jason Prosnitz


Always a work in progress but man ... I've made more progress on this in 48 hours than in months of "thinking about it"

Jennie Luke
Jennie Luke

Jennie Luke


Rob, it's happening. The transformation. The mindset, the clarity, the creativity. I've just had a major breakthrough about ten minutes ago. It's coming together. I can't believe it.

Ken Kelly
Ken Kelly

Rosario Londono


The community is made up of incredible professional eager to learn and help others. Plus, I always learn something new that I can start applying immediately in my life and with my coaching clients.

Emily Chapman
Emily Chapman

Emily Chapman


I am blown away by the sheer volume of resources you have created (in a good way). I was able to get a lot of clarity around my business and it got me very excited to see things finally start to take shape…

Jason Prosnitz
Jason Prosnitz

Jason Prosnitz


Shared on the call this morning - but I closed the client I'd been pursuing for several weeks at near premium rate (vs my minimum). We kicked off our engagement yesterday. This is a big deal for me as it's really the first client on this new journey I started back in May.

When You Join Unlimited Coach, You Also Get…
When You Join Unlimited Coach, You Also Get…

Our Choose Your Adventure Resource Center—included with your membership!

Our Choose Your Adventure Resource Center—included with your membership!

We’ve spent over a decade creating a library of online courses, trainings, and tools, worth over $10,000+, and it’s all included with Unlimited Coach.
As an entrepreneur, you wear many hats, and we know every journey is different. That’s why we give you UNLIMITED access to everything we’ve created. Whether you’re looking to launch a podcast, use ChatGPT more effectively, create irresistible offers, or build better habits and routines, we’ve got you covered!
Best of all, you’re never alone. Our resources are designed to take the guesswork out of your next steps, help you take action faster, and create at a higher level with clarity and confidence.

Join Us Inside Unlimited Coach

Join Us Inside Unlimited Coach

Join Us Inside Unlimited Coach

Now is the time to invest in your future. With AI tools and strategies that will keep you ahead of the curve, combined with an approach to business and personal growth that is light, easy, and fun, this is your moment to take action and start seeing results.

Don’t wait—secure your spot today and start experiencing real transformation.

Unlimited program mockup graphic
Unlimited program mockup graphic
Unlimited program mockup graphic

Unlimited Coach

Unlimited Coach

Unlimited Coach

Everything you need to finally trade complexity for FLOW in your business

create and launch your coaching program
create and launch your coaching program
create and launch your coaching program

Create & Launch

Confidently create and launch impactful offers, programs, or assets designed to attract your ideal clients and deliver results.

Confidently create and launch impactful offers, programs, or assets designed to attract your ideal clients and deliver results.

Btter Systems
Btter Systems
Btter Systems

Better Systems

Simplify your processes with an organized approach that sets the foundation for scalable growth and long-term success.

Simplify your processes with an organized approach that sets the foundation for scalable growth and long-term success.


Focus & Gain Skills

Sharpen your focus, master new skills, and take strategic action to accelerate your business growth and impact.

Sharpen your focus, master new skills, and take strategic action to accelerate your business growth and impact.



Build authentic relationships that support your journey with encouragement, guidance, and collaboration.

Build authentic relationships that support your journey with encouragement, guidance, and collaboration.

Ready to join Unlimited Coach?

Affordable Access, Unlimited Potential

Affordable Access,
Unlimited Potential

Affordable Access, Unlimited Potential

Pay Monthly


Per Month

12 Month Subscription

Live Calls with Rob & Colin

Tools, Templates & Strategies

Exclusive Community

Unlimited Resources

Pay Annual


Per Year

Save $1,000

Live Calls with Rob & Colin

Tools, Templates & Strategies

Exclusive Community

Unlimited Resources

Emily Chapman
Emily Chapman

Emily Chapman


I consider myself very blessed to be part of this group and I am so grateful to have found a wonderful team of people to connect with and support one another.

Jennie Luke
Jennie Luke

Jennie Luke


Colin. What an amazing resource center! Thank you for sharing your lifes work. I really 'felt' it when you said that the other day. I used the W.E.B. Analysis Generator and WOW! I am very excited for all the learning opportunities you and Rob are providing us. Thanks so much!

Ken Kelly
Ken Kelly

Rosario Londono


I joined a month ago and I can tell you it's not hijacking people's minds with AI so they buy from you - it's about human connection and how to best share, co-learn, and co-create with people your gifts and talents and create a beautiful future together.

What Makes Unlimited Coach Different?

What Makes Unlimited Coach Different?

What Makes Unlimited Coach Different?

Experience the power of connection. Tap into the wisdom of a supportive community, offering expert guidance, encouragement, and inspiration when you need it most.

Move forward with clarity and confidence through structured learning and personalized support. With clear direction and strategies designed to get you in action, you'll make real progress faster.

This isn't just a program. It’s your Unlimited Advantage— the essential tools and guidance that helps you move faster, capitalize on opportunities, and bring your vision to life.

Experience the power of connection. Tap into the wisdom of a supportive community, offering expert guidance, encouragement, and inspiration when you need it most.

Move forward with clarity and confidence through structured learning and personalized support. With clear direction and strategies designed to get you in action, you'll make real progress faster.

This isn't just a program. It’s your Unlimited Advantage— the essential tools and guidance that helps you move faster, capitalize on opportunities, and bring your vision to life.

Experience the power of connection. Tap into the wisdom of a supportive community, offering expert guidance, encouragement, and inspiration when you need it most.

Move forward with clarity and confidence through structured learning and personalized support. With clear direction and strategies designed to get you in action, you'll make real progress faster.

This isn't just a program. It’s your Unlimited Advantage— the essential tools and guidance that helps you move faster, capitalize on opportunities, and bring your vision to life.

Unlimited Coaching
Unlimited Coaching
Unlimited Coaching

Is Unlimited Coach a good fit for you?

Unlimited Coach is a good fit for you if...

You want to grow your business, but don't want to sacrifice your personal well-being in the process.

You are negative, cynical, and an energy vampire.

You have a growth mindset, are eager to learn, and are open to new possibilities and ways of doing things.

You are afraid of AI and think using it means we are letting the robots take over.

You desire a supportive good vibes community, value collaboration, sharing knowledge, and having someone to push you.

You are too busy, don't have the time to attend calls, or take action in the areas you want to grow. This is not another obligation.

You have a big dream and vision of what is possible in your business and life and it lights you up.

You don't want to be a better version of yourself and believe coaching is a waste of money.

You are a coach, creator, entrepreneur, run a service based or online business, or consider yourself a leader.

You consider yourself omniscient and feel you have no value to add.


What if I can't attend one of the calls, is there a replay?

What platform is your private community on?

Do you have a refund policy or 30-day money back guarantee?

What if I am starting at zero with ChatGPT & AI and have no knowledge or experience?

Where are you located, and where do your members come from?

You use words like breakthrough, magic, shatter your belief ceiling, and energy. Are you Woo-Woo?

How is it possible you can talk about AI + Self Development + Building A Brand in one program?

What if I can't attend one of the calls, is there a replay?

What platform is your private community on?

Do you have a refund policy or 30-day money back guarantee?

What if I am starting at zero with ChatGPT & AI and have no knowledge or experience?

Where are you located, and where do your members come from?

You use words like breakthrough, magic, shatter your belief ceiling, and energy. Are you Woo-Woo?

How is it possible you can talk about AI + Self Development + Building A Brand in one program?

© Rob Cressy and Colin Scotland. All rights reserved.