
Purpose & Passion

My Passion is people, with a Purpose to empower and break through the barriers which have snuck in during our experience of this life.

Armed with years of experience from my personal journey;  Learnings (fail yeays!), Wisdom and Spiritual guidance (Yeshua)  gained through my life escapades combined with my personal transformation of searching, yearning, training and professional career, I have the tools to guide you to slam dunk your goals.
I’m here to call out the mind blocks /disruption, ditch the people pleasing and self sabotage, keep you on track and support you to break free of your limiting beliefs holding you back from stepping into your power. I support you to uncover your blind spots, clear limiting beliefs like fear, shame, guilt and sadness & become a master of your emotions to propel forward in life with confidence and conviction.   

Consider me as your detective and navigator - you are the pilot / have all the answers, I have the background / experience to help you navigate there

Pam Lampersberger

NLP - Neuro-linguistic programming Practitioner, Business Transformation and Enterprise Coach, Relationship Systems Design thinker, Organisational Relationship Systems Coach

Pam Lampersberger

Qualifications & Certifications:

NLP practitioner - Performance Potential
Organisational Relationship Systems Coach, ORSC - CRR Global
IC Agile Certified Professional Enterprise Agile Coach - ICP-EAC (Business Transformation and Enterprise Coach)
Certified Agile Coach, ICP - ACC
Scrum Master, CP - CSM
Computer Science & Systems integration